Written by Jon Gunn
This is a scenario for Brickskrieg using the units from the Starter Set.
The situation is that German forces are conducting a fighting withdrawal. There is one
bridge still standing across the River Brix and this must be held open by the German forces
as long as possible to allow as many armoured units as possible to cross the river.
However, it would be disastrous if the British were to capture the bridge intact and so a
guard force has been ordered to protect the bridge and blow it up if it is in danger of being
A command squad adjacent to either end of the bridge may attempt to fire the demolition
during its turn. The explosives have been in place for some time and may have become
loose. On the first attempt to fire, the player must roll a 4+, rolling less than this means the
demolition has failed. If the same command squad is in contact with the bridge in its
following turn, it is assumed to have reconnected the explosives and the demolition will
automatically be fired successfully.

Overview of Battlefield
The German have 1 Ger Platoon (command squad, 4 infantry squads and a Panzerschrek
squad) dug in, guarding the bridge. 2 Ger Platoon (command squad, 4 infantry squads and
2 Panzerschrek squads) is hiding in the woods, tasked with delaying the British as long as
possible. This platoon will remain hidden until it moves or fires or a British unit enters the
woods. Lieutenant Heinz Beence and his troop of 3 Panzer IV will arrive on Turn 4, the
German player can decide if they will arrive on the hill on the right or the hill on the left.

1 Ger Platoon Guards the Bridge
The British have two platoons (each with command squad, 4 infantry squads and a PIAT
squad). 1 Br Platoon will advance on the left into the woods with 2 Br Platoon on the right.
Lieutenant Toby Barrington-Smythe commands Alfa Troop with 3 Churchill tanks; these will follow the infantry but avoid getting too close to the enemy panzerschrek squads.
The British win the scenario if the bridge is captured intact and held. The Germans win the
scenario if the tank troop has crossed the bridge safely and the bridge has been destroyed.
Any other result is a draw.
The British platoons advance into the woods.

British Platoons Advance into the Woods with the Tanks Holding Back
2 Ger Platoon positions are revealed.

2 Ger Platoon Positions Revealed
British shooting is hampered by having moved and by firing into cover, but one German
squad is destroyed.
2 Ger Platoon moves backwards to get out of charge range and shoots at the British infantry
along with 1 Ger Platoon at the bridge. One British squad is killed. The Panzerschrek
attempt long range shots at Alfa Troop but fail to cause any damage.
Both British Platoons move forward, as do the tanks of Alfa Troop.

The British Advance Continues
British shooting is more successful with the platoons and tank machine guns accounting for
two squads from 2 Ger platoon.
2 Ger Platoon again withdraws, this time right out of the woods.

2 Ger Platoon Withdraws From the Woods and the British Follow Up
The platoon targets 1 Br Platoon and kills a squad with 1 Ger Platoon firing from the bridge
also killing a squad. The squad is down to half strength but passes its bravery test.
Having withdrawn from the woods, the Panzerschrek squads cannot see the British tanks.
The British platoons and tanks all move forward and again shoot at 2 Ger Platoon. Even
though a total of 6 shots hit the German soldiers, all are saved!
German shooting accounts for another squad from 1 Br Platoon, which passes its bravery
test. Three Panzerschrek rounds hit the British tanks but bounce off the tough armour.

The British Close on the Bridge
1 Br Platoon is heavily damaged and moves out of the way to allow 2 Br Platoon to assault
the remnants of 2 Ger Platoon. Defensive fire kills one British squad but the assault is
successful with 4 British squads all hitting and the German platoon destroyed.
1 Br Platoon and Alfa Troop fire small arms and machine guns into 1 Ger Platoon, but their
stout trenches save them from damage.

2 Br Platoon Destroys 2 Ger Platoon
Suddenly, the British are alerted by the sound of armoured movement and Lieutenant Heinz Beence’s Pz IVs hove into view. Hampered by having moved and firing at tanks in cover, only one hit is scored on a British tank, and this is saved.

The Panzers are Coming!
Small arms fire from 1 Ger Platoon is more successful and accounts for 2 infantry squads.
Although it has been seriously weakened, 2 Br Platoon mounts a brave assault against 1
Ger Platoon guarding the bridge. Surviving the defensive fire, the platoon arrives on the
German position and kills 2 squads.

2 Br Platoon’s Ill Fated Attack on the Bridge
However, the German platoon is stronger than the British platoon, it inflicts a kill and the
British platoon fails its bravery test and heads for the table edge.
Concerned by the Pz IVs arriving on their flank, the British tanks supported by the surviving PIAT team from 1 Br Platoon, engage the tanks and, in an astonishing display of accuracy, hit 3 times, resulting in 2 crews bailed out.
In their turn, one of the bailed out crews manage to remount and 2 tanks fire at the
Churchills, but fail to damage. Tank machine gun fire into 1 Br Platoon is more successful,
wiping out the remnants of the Platoon.
1 Ger Platoon fires its Panzerschrek into the British tanks, but their charmed life continues
and no damage is caused. Small arms fire however accounts for one squad from the fleeing
2 Br Platoon, leaving just the command squad.

Situation at the End of Turn 5
With no British infantry left to secure the bridge, Lieutenant Toby Barrington-Smythe decides on a high risk plan and orders his tanks to charge the German platoon guarding the bridge. German defensive Panzerschrek fire destroys a tank but the other 2 tanks hit the enemy and kill 2 squads, forcing a bravery test that is failed and the platoon flees.

The Tanks of Alfa Troop Secure the Bridge (Temporarily at Least)
In the German turn, the remaining bailed out tank crew remount and all tanks fire at the 2
Churchills, hitting twice, destroying one and forcing the command crew to bail out.
Things are looking bleak for the British!
But, never say die! In an astonishing display of bravery, that caught the enemy completely
by surprise, Toby Barrington-Smythe rallies his tank crew to remount their stricken Churchill. His tank heads to the bridge where Toby jumps out, dashes to the demolition firing point and, with his heart in his mouth, presses the Fire button. Rolling the 4+ needed, Toby is rewarded as a massive explosion wrecks the bridge.

A Successful Demolition
Unfortunately, the German tanks then take their revenge and destroy Toby’s Churchill.
Despite there being no British units left alive on the battlefield, Toby’s gallant action in
destroying the bridge, with the Panzers not having crossed, has pulled a draw from the teeth of defeat. What a Brick!
That was a tough fight for the British who only managed to draw as a result of some great
good luck. If playing the scenario again, I would strengthen the British force, possibly by
adding a third platoon or maybe adding artillery when rules become available.
It was apparent throughout the game that dice rolls were very swingy. The Churchills
appeared to have charmed lives early on while small arms shooting varied from appalling to
quite surprisingly good.
In any event, good fun was had by all.
Battle Report by Jon Gunns. Thanks Jon and we are delighted you had fun. You have certainly put my battle reports to shame with this engaging and brilliantly written piece. If you would like to send us a report for us to publish, please just email it to Thanks again Jon!
Fab write up - thanks for sharing
Sounds like a great battle scenario